Federal Facility Agreement and Document Schedules

Fort Ord is a federal facility listed on the National Priorities List (NPL). The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation & Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund), Section 120 requires federal agencies with NPL sites to investigate and clean up contamination. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Army, the Department of Health Services and Calfornia Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region have entered into the Federal Facility Agreement to see that this federal facility meets environmental requirements.

Procedures have been established by the parties to the Federal Facilities Agreement to provide each other with appropriate technical support, notice, review, comments, and response to comments regarding Remedial Investigation/Feasibility and Remedial Design/Remedial Action documents, specified as either primary or secondary.

Federal Facility Agreement

Current Primary Document Schedules

Primary Document FFA Schedule Updated
Basewide Documents
Site 39 Documents
Operable Unit 2 (OU2)
Operable Unit Carbon Tetrachloride Plume (OUCTP)
Interim Action RD/RA  (Munitions Response Site) 01/2010
Track 2 Schedule for Parker Flats (parcels F2.6, L2.3 and L2.4.1) – RD/RA Work Plan  (Munitions Response Site) 01/2010
Track 2 Schedule for Del Rey Oaks MRA – RI/FS  (Munitions Response Site) 06/2010
Track 2 Schedule for Fritzsche Army Airfield, MRS Site 34, RI/FS  (Munitions Response Site) 06/2015
Track 2 Schedule for BLM Area B and MRS-16 – RD/RA Work Plan (Munitions Response Site) 02/2025
Track 3 Schedule for Impact Area – RD/RA Work Plan  (Munitions Response Site) 02/2025
FORA’s Environmental Services Cooperative Agreement (ESCA) Program 08/2018
Remaining Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Areas (Munitions Response Site) 08/2018