Operable Unit Carbon Tetrachloride Plume
Several CERCLA (Superfund) investigations have been conducted at the former Fort Ord that included the area now referred to as Operable Unit Carbon Tetrachloride Plume (OUCTP). The initial identification of carbon tetrachloride in groundwater occurred in 1992 during sampling of monitoring wells installed in 1975 for reasons unrelated to the CERCLA investigations. The presence of carbon tetrachloride in groundwater at what is now OUCTP was first documented in the Fort Ord Landfills Preliminary Hydrogeologic Investigation (HLA, 1990), and monitoring and investigations continued under the Basewide Hydrogeologic Characterization program (HLA, 1994). Since the source of or use of carbon tetrachloride at the former Fort Ord was not documented as part of previous investigations, including the Basewide Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (HLA, 1995), a separate site characterization or investigation of carbon tetrachloride in groundwater was initiated, and the results of this initial investigation were presented in the Draft Final Carbon Tetrachloride Investigation Report (HLA, 1999). Subsequesnt investigation activities and studies of OUCTP were then conducted as part of the OUCTP Remedial Investigation (OUCTP RI/FS, Volume 1, MACTEC, 2006) and are summarized in the Proposed Plan (Army, 2006).
RI/FS Work Plan
- Draft Final Operable Unit Carbon Tetrachloride Plume Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan, Former Fort Ord, California (October 16, 2002)
RI/FS Report
Proposed Plan
Record of Decision